why weight loss with cancer |
why weight loss with cancer
why weight loss with cancer? When people lose weight after being diagnosed with cancer, this is often explained by what's called the starvation response'. It is a response to a lack of calories and a change in diet that reduces the appetite. With this response, patients gain weight after the chemotherapy is over.
Why do people in cancer treatment want to lose weight? The answer is not quite so straightforward. People with cancer feel anxious about their appearance and often feel fat or unattractive. However, the reasons for wanting to lose weight are not necessarily related to appearance, but to other things.
In a study called TANGO, researchers looked at weight loss rates among people with cancer. The participants in the study were asked to list the number of calories they ate and the number of calories they burned. They were also asked how many pounds they had lost to date. The results showed that people who were losing weight were actually losing more than people who were not, and this difference was due to the number of calories people were burning.
Weight is a major problem for cancer patients. Many are too weak for cancer therapy, and many are discouraged by the results of treatment. I have been studying weight loss in cancer patients for some time, and have found that it is more complicated than just weight loss. For one thing, weight loss is a symptom of cancer that patients may notice even if they are not dieting and do not feel a significant calorie restriction.
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